Sound Meditation Benefits

Jan 26, 2024
Sound bowls in office


Now offering sound meditation membership. When you subscribe to the monthly membership you will get two sound meditations per month for $79. 


What is sound meditation?

Sound meditation is an ancient practice that dates back thousands of years. The practice of sound meditation has been utilized all over the World for various ailments. It involves using various sounds, such as crystal bowls, gongs, rain sticks, and even voice through chanting and humming. 

During a sound meditation session, you will either lie down or sit up depending on what is most comfortable for you. You can set an intention or allow what is needed to flow to you. When you are comfortable and ready, you will be guided into a deep meditative state.

The sounds generated during the meditation can have different frequencies and vibrations that affect your body and mind in various ways. Sound meditation is a powerful tool for relaxation and self-reflection. Some benefits of sound meditation include:


  • Deep meditation
  • Stress reduction
  • A profound experience
  • Inner connection