May Newsletter – What in the ‘Success Coach’ is that Anyway?

May 01, 2024
Road to Success. Success this way.


We are fortunate to live in the times we do. Of course, there are some reasons that you could argue that maybe we are not in fortunate times. True, there are somethings going on right now that are not so great to say the least, but I urge you to find the good in your life right now. There's a saying that goes like this, “where your focus goes, energy flows.” So why not shift our focus to things that we want to create in our lives?


Back to the fortune of the times we live in! Today, there are many people on the path to purpose and fulfillment and breaking free of the cycle of just surviving in life. I meet so many people almost daily that are looking for or who are already working towards their purpose that brings them fulfillment in life. Which brings me to my topic of choice in this Blog. We are fortunate in that there is support and guidance in many forms that people did not always have access too.


Not only are there more people on the path to their fulfillment, but there is also many walking in their fulfillment to serve others to reach their goals. These are the people we title as coaches. There are all types of coaches ranging from mindset to athletic coaching. What’s even better is because of the advances in technology and social media we have access to many coaches all over the World. You need help reaching a goal, there’s a coach for that. You need help losing weight, there’s a coach for that. You need help in scoring the perfect goal, there’s a coach for that. You see what I mean by how fortunate we are today?


I, myself, have found fortune, in that I am walking in the path of my purpose and feel more and more fulfilled every day. I chose the title of Life Coach, then changed it to Mindset Coach, and finally with clarity found the right title and path for me as a Success Coach.


So, what is a Success Coach exactly? A Success Coach is a type of coach that guides people to achieve their personal and professional goals through guidance, support, and accountability. We work with people to become clear and identify their goals, create action plans, overcome obstacles, breakthrough limiting beliefs, enhance performance, stay motivated and focused, and more depending on your individual needs. You can think of it as a type of ‘cheat code’ in life. Working with a Success Coach will help you achieve your goals in less time and become clearer on what that looks like for you.


If you are looking to reach your full potential, improve your performance, achieve specific goals, or make changes in your life, working with a Success Coach could be one of the best investments you can make.


The trick is finding the right Coach for you. Do your research!  Look at the different types of coaches there are and if they will help you with your specific needs. Once you narrow it down to the type of coach you want to work with, do your research. Many coaches offer free consultations to see if the fit works for you as well as for themselves. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, because remember you are making an investment in not just money but time as well and time in valuable!


I, myself have worked with a couple of coaches and I will say there is a difference in the type of coach you work with and who the coach is. I made great investments and investments that I am not sure really helped, but I will say there is a lesson in everything. Through coaching and mindset and manifestation courses I have made huge strides in my own life, both personally and professionally. Who knew we get to co-create our lives?


So, the biggest take away here…. Coaching is worth the investment to make huge changes in your life while saving you on precious time, but make sure you do your research and do take advantage of free consultations. Get to know the coach you are going to invest time, money, and energy in.