The Challenges and Opportunities of Being a Mompreneur

Jun 05, 2024
Mompreneur hypnotherapist

Ah being a mompreneur! What exactly is a mompreneur and what does that look like? A mompreneur is a mom who is on a journey of entrepreneurship. She is busy and full of responsibilities that include running the household, taking care of her kids, and running her business. She wears multiple hats and does it with a smile, well most of the time!


Being a mompreneur can very rewarding but challenging at times. Mompreneurs have unique challenges that can include balancing business and family responsibilities, managing time effectively, stress management, being motivated, and setting goals.  These are just some of the challenges that a mompreneur faces on a day-to-day basis.


I have been there and dare, I say, still face some of the same challenges. I wish I could say that as time passes and years go by these challenges disappear and are a far-off distant memory, but they are here to stay to a point. The good news is with time, practice, and persistence they become more manageable and less noticeable in your daily life.


Some of the unique opportunities mompreneurs experience are creating a work-life balance, pursuing their passions and turning them into successful businesses, setting their own schedules, contributing to the family financially, and being an inspirational role model for their children, family, and friends.


I’m sure if you are a mompreneur you have experienced some of the challenges as well as the opportunities. The opportunities and overcoming the challenges are huge driving factors to why we continue to work towards our dreams through all the ups and downs we experience along the way.  


Thankfully there are some strategies for mompreneurs to thrive in their work and family responsibilities. The first strategy I want to share is, of course, hypnotherapy. Why? Well, I’m a hypnotherapist, but I also use the techniques of hypnotherapy daily and it has helped me tremendously, both professionally and personally. Through hypnotherapy I have reduced my overall stress allowing me to find clarity in my purpose doing things that make me feel truly fulfilled. It has supported me to find balance in my business and home life where I am able to create the life I want while being and feeling like my best self.


Stress management and setting goals are important benefits of hypnotherapy for mompreneurs. Learning techniques to effectively reduce stress can improve overall well-being and support with productivity. When we are less stressed, we are more creative and feel better in general. We’re able to show-up as our best-selves and find a balance in our businesses and family responsibilities.


Goal setting and breaking through blocks and barriers will increase clarity, focus, and motivation. Who doesn’t need more of that in business and overall life? These strategies can empower the mompreneur to successfully achieve goals while balancing other areas in life.


Another strategy to thrive in your work life balance is carving out some ‘you’ time each day. Afterall, you can’t pour from an empty cup no matter how much you want to. Some of my favorite ways to spend my ‘you’ time is reading, whether it’s a book for learning or a book for entertainment, I love to read.  If you’re not a big reader try watching an inspirational video. You get ‘you’ time to recharge while filling up on things that inspire and motivate you.  


And of course, getting outside is another lovely way to spend some ‘you’ time. It can be as simple as sitting outside and enjoying the sun while listening to the bird’s chirp, going on a relaxing walk, or going hiking in one of your favorite spots. What’s important is that you spend some time each day doing something you love to do. It’s the recharge you need and that will help you come back to your responsibilities fully charged and ready to go! Here's to the mompreneur and her journey to success!