Three Levels of the Mind

Apr 09, 2024
Picture of head made out of clouds with beautiful clouds coming out.

Did you know that there is more to your mind than just the part you are aware of? There are three levels of your mind, and they all play a crucial part in making you who you are. I'm sure you have heard about levels of the mind before, and if not don't worry because you are going to get a run down about these levels and what exactly their purpose is. The three levels of the mind are the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the less known superconscious mind. Together these three levels of the mind create you and the results you are seeing today. Let’s go into each level of the mind a little bit more and discover how each one contributes to your daily life. 

The conscious mind is what you think of when you think about who you are. It's the part of the mind we attribute to our personalities and what we think we can do. In fact, it is the part of your mind you are using right now to be aware of this very newsletter.  It makes sense why it is also called the thinking mind. In this level of the mind, you are aware of your thoughts, actions, and most of everything else. You might be surprised to learn your conscious mind only makes up 5% of your output. Meaning your conscious mind only makes up 5% of who you are. That's a small percentage, but we usually believe that it is much more. Furthermore, people tend to believe that their personality is what it is. It is who they are and there is no changing that. I am here to tell you that is not the case. Personalities are fluid and can be formed and you get to decide who you are and what you put out in the World. There is a slight catch though, and this is where we move on to the subconscious mind.

If the conscious mind only makes up 5% of who we are and the results we are seeing, where is the other 95%? Well, the other 95% is in the next level, the subconscious mind. It would be fair to say that this is the part of the mind that houses our true beliefs and identity. Pretty cool huh? The drawback, or maybe not, is that we are not aware of what is in our subconscious mind. This part of the mind is where we store memories, beliefs, and so much more. This is the part of the mind that makes you who you are. Your personality and your beliefs come right from here. This can be a drawback if you are unaware of this and don't know the tips, tricks, and techniques to make your subconscious mind work for you. You see we are like computers in that there are similarities on how we function. Think of your brain and body as the hardware of the computer and subconscious mind as the software. Whatever you program your software, or subconscious mind, with you will do. Thus, make your subconscious function in a way that serves you and put it on auto pilot to do things that make your life easier. Think of it this way, your emotions create your thoughts, your repeated thoughts create your beliefs, your beliefs create your behavior, and your behavior creates the results you are seeing in your life today.

Are you still reading? I hope so because this is where we go over the superconscious mind and learn about its function and purpose. So, what is the superconscious mind and what is its purpose? It really is just another level of your mind, but this level of the mind can be thought of as a higher level of your mind. It is the part of the mind that houses love, infinite intelligence, unity consciousness, and more. This is where we are all interconnected. Have you ever “manifested something?” I like to think of the superconscious mind as the part of the mind where the “work” takes place when you are manifesting something into your life. Though you might not see it in action, there is a lot going on in the background to bring that manifestation into fruition. This is also the part of the mind where we have access to our higher selves. Meaning the part of our selves that has the knowledge we seek. I have a guided meditation that I love to use to access this part of our mind. Keep an eye out on my website because I will be posting it for free in the near coming future!

So, these are the three levels of the mind, the conscious mind or thinking mind, the subconscious mind or storage and self-identity mind, and the superconscious or interconnected mind. Each level of the mind is important and needed to make us who we are, but it’s important to remember that there are ways to improve the things we want to improve and that our personalities are fluid and not set in stone. You can program your subconscious mind to work for you!

Are you wondering how you can make your subconscious work for you? Good question and fortunately there are multiple ways of doing this. My favorite way to do this is almost like a life hack and even like a shortcut. I'm guessing you know where I am going with this. Yep, hypnotherapy. I love it because it is a shortcut to achieving, believing, and doing the things in life that serve you. Another aspect of hypnotherapy that I love is that, with me and the type of hypnotherapy I practice, you are in control. You pick what you want to achieve, believe, do, or more and we work together to achieve that goal. You remain in control and get the guidance you want and need to help you achieve what it is you are looking for.